Welcome to the save our hills webpage
The save our hills group is comprised of residents living in the areas of Castlewarren, Coolgreany, Flagmount, Freneystown, Knockadeen, Grange Hill, Ossory Hill and Revanagh, Clara and Johnwell. We have come together to Halt the siting of large industrial sized wind turbines in our wonderful countryside especially those in close proximity to our family homes.
We are concerned with preserving the uniqueness and spectacular beauty of our area. We are particularly interested in sustaining our rural environment and habitats. Those of us who choose to live in these areas have a right to exist in a peaceful harmony with our environment.
With the proposed installation of theses gigantic 180 metre high wind turbines with no public consultation. our peaceful way of life is threatened, threatened by the possibility of air noise and visual disruption.
Consider the image below to compare a 5MW Wind Turbine to structures in the area.
The proposal is for the turbines to be nearly 180 meters. over 9 times the height of Clara Castle and not 1 but 7 of these structures combining together having a serious effect on our health and well being not only for us but future generations.
So in order to protect and sustain our rural way of life and protect the habitats environments within our communities, We ask you to get in contact, have your say, your community your way of life.
Community group opposed to the inappropriate siting of industrial wind turbines in a populated area of exceptional beauty 8 km North-East of Kilkenny City. we believe close proximity sighting will adversely effect our health and way of life.
Community of Clara, Castlewarren, Ballasallagh, Cassagh, Castlecreen, Coolmarks, Coolgreany, Flagmount, Freynestown, Knockadeen, Grange Hill, Ossory hill and Revanagh.
We need funds to help the community with this cause. Please donate what you can, small or big it all helps.
OR You can transfer funds to the Following Account: IBAN: IE03CKCN99101711455300 BIC: CKCNIE21XXX
Want to know More click on the text below…
Some of the effects of wind turbines
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